Franklin Mountains Hiking Trails Shine!

In early July, Franklin Mountains Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff attended the El Paso Media Group 4th Annual Best of El Paso Awards Ceremony. The state park received the award for Best Hiking Trail. Winners in different categories are selected throughout El Paso by the El Paso Magazine Reader’s Survey.

An award plaque was presented by the city mayor. With more than 100 vendors and approximately 2,500 visitors at the event, park Interpretive Ranger Kelly Serio took the opportunity for outreach and park promotion. She prepared a booth with photos to showcase highlights of park trails, wildlife, flora, visitor activities and spectacular views. At the booth, visitors received handouts with park information on trails, hiking safety tips, and the annual Texas State Parks Pass.

Water Rights and Rain

Rainwater collection

All she wants is the rain water that lands on her roof. She lives with her husband and two children in a solar-powered home in rural San Miguel County. Committed to promoting sustainability, Kris Holstrom grows organic produce year-round, most of which is sold to local restaurants and farmers markets. On a mesa at 9,000 feet elevation, however, water other than precipitation is hard to come by.

So Kris did what thousands of farmers before her have done: She applied for a water right. Except instead of seeking to divert water from a stream, she sought to collect rain that fell upon the roof of her house and greenhouse. To her surprise, the state engineer opposed her application, arguing that other water users already had locked up the right to use the rain. The Colorado Water Court agreed, and Kris was denied the right to store a few barrels of rainwater. If she persisted with rain harvesting, she would be subject to fines of up to $500 per day.

How could this happen?

Like other western states, Colorado water law follows the prior appropriation doctrine, of which the core principle is “first in time, first in right.” The first person to put water to beneficial use and comply with other legal requirements obtains a water right superior to all later claims to that water.

The right to appropriate enshrined in Colorado’s Constitution has been so scrupulously honored that nearly all of the rivers and streams in Colorado are overappropriated, which means there is often not enough water to satisfy all the claims to it. When this happens, senior water-right holders can “call the river” and cut off the flow to those who filed for water rights later, so-called “juniors.” Continue reading Water Rights and Rain

Most Mountain Lion “Sightings” are Unreliable

Mountain Lion

Most reports of mountain lion sightings in Texas are never verified with physical evidence, although such reports can arouse fear and cause a local publicity stir, according to wildlife experts with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. In one incident this spring, TPWD’s John Davis pulled up a photograph on his computer that someone had taken in a neighborhood north of Austin showing an animal’s tail barely visible behind a cedar tree.

The man who sent the grainy mobile phone photo said the animal was a large cat, prompting some people to speculate it was the latest in a rash of supposed mountain lion sightings in urban areas. Closer inspection proved otherwise.

Davis, TPWD conservation outreach coordinator and a former urban wildlife biologist, examined the size of a prickly-pear pad next to the cat in the photograph and used it as a scale to measure the animal’s size. “That’s a feral cat, maybe about 18 inches tall,” he said. “It’s not a mountain lion.” Also this spring, TPWD Game Warden Arlen “Turk” Jones handled a report of another supposed mountain lion sighting. Continue reading Most Mountain Lion “Sightings” are Unreliable

Fever Ticks Claim a Million Acres in Texas

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) marked an ominous anniversary July 3 by expanding the preventive fever tick guarantine area in south Texas by 307,000 acres, after the dangerous livestock pests were detected on cattle outside quarantine areas in Starr and Zapata counties. Fever ticks, capable of carrying and transmitting deadly “tick fever” to cattle, have been detected on livestock or wildlife on 139 Texas pastures during the past 12 months.

“In July 2007, the first preventive quarantine was established—39,325 acres in Starr County—to enable the US. Department of Agriculture’s Tick Force and the TAHC to inspect and treat livestock moved from the area, get ahead of the fever tick and push it back across the quarantine line,” said Dr. Bob Hillman, Texas’ state veterinarian and head of the Texas Animal Health Commission, the state’s livestock and poultry health regulatory agency. “Now, a year later, we have more than a million acres under preventive quarantines in Starr, Zapata, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Dimmit and Webb counties, in addition to the half-million acres in the permanent fever tick quarantine zone that runs alongside the Rio Grande, from Del Rio to Brownsville.”

The enlarged preventive quarantine includes portions of Starr, Zapata counties and a small area in Jim Hogg County. It is bounded on the north by Texas Highway 16, from its intersection on the west with US Highway 83 to its eastern junction with Ranch Road 649. Ranch Road 649 is the eastern boundary to its southern intersection with US Highway 83, which is the western boundary stretching northward to the intersection with Texas Highway Continue reading Fever Ticks Claim a Million Acres in Texas

Conservation Camps Take Place in Davis Mountains

Wildlife Conservation Camp in Davis Mountains

Several members of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Division staff will be in the Trans-Pecos this week to support a weeklong youth camp run by the Texas chapter of The Wildlife Society (TCTWS). Misty Sumner will act as camp director and be a presenter at the TCTWS Wildlife Conservation Camp at the Davis Mountains Preserve. Biologists Matt Wagner and Ruben Cantu, who is TCTWS president this year, will also attend a Texas chapter committee meeting.

The Wildlife Society, founded in 1937, is an international, non-profit scientific and educational organization serving and representing wildlife professionals, with goals to promote wildlife stewardship through science and education. The Texas chapter was formed in 1965, with efforts designed to involve resource professionals and stimulate involvement by all concerned individuals.

The chapter’s next annual meeting comes up February 26-29, 2009 in Lubbock, Texas. See the chapter Web site for more information on the meeting and ongoing activities.

Milam County Game Warden Catches Dumpers

Milam County, Texas

The Temple newspaper recently reported that five people caught on hidden camera dumping everything from furniture to dead animals, auto parts, and colostomy bags over the past three years into a creek ravine east of Gause, Texas, have been charged with misdemeanors and are headed for Milam County court.

The paper said Precinct 3 Constable Herbie Vaughan and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Game Warden Mike Mitchell have been attempting to catch the perpetrators of the remote, rural dump ground for three years, before finally deciding to buy motion-activated wildlife surveillance equipment and stake out the site via hidden cameras. And that’s how you catch criminals now days!

Workshop to Explore Wind Power Development and Effects on Wildlife

Wind Power and wildlife

With the Panhandle targeted for increased wind power development, many landowners already have signed or are considering signing contracts with energy companies. But questions remain, especially about wildlife.

The Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference on Aug. 8-9 at the Ambassador Hotel in Amarillo is aimed at answering some of those questions. The event is being organized by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife and Texas Wildlife Association.

Ken Cearley, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist, said Texas leads the nation in wind power development according to the American Wind Energy Association’s rankings report.

The Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Taylor and Nolan counties was the single largest wind farm in operation in the nation in 2007, Cearley said. With four of the five largest U.S. wind farms now located in Texas, it is necessary to study the impact on wildlife. Continue reading Workshop to Explore Wind Power Development and Effects on Wildlife