Big Horn Sheep Habitat Preservation Rewarded

Texas Bighorn Sheep

Habitat managment is the cornerstone of willdife restoration, but an important component of managing habitat can be simply preserving it. This has never been more true when it comes to managing Texas’s bighorn sheep herd. Recently, Texas Bighorn Society members David and Theresa Wetzel of Irving have received the Wild Sheep Foundation’s prestigious Gordon Eastman Grass Roots Award.

The late Gordon Eastman of Eastman’s Outdoor World created the award to be presented at the Wild Sheep Foundation’s (WSF) national annual convention, held this year in Reno, Nev. Eastman’s intention was to honor the hard-working members of the various WSF chapters and affiliates who get almost no recognition for their unending efforts to further the existence of North American bighorn sheep. Continue reading Big Horn Sheep Habitat Preservation Rewarded

Photos of Rattlesnakes Mating!

Rattlesnakes "dance" during breeding

When it comes to heading outdoors, you just never know what you will see. That’s the great thing about getting outside and walking around diverse habitats. Not only do healthy plant communities provide great wildlife habitat, but they also hosts the really cool stuff—the wildlife! I’ve always found that the best time to view any wildlife species is during the breeding or mating season. This is because animals are on the move and often times not paying much attention to things, such as me, around them.

I guess before I continue much further, I understand that many people do not enjoy snakes, especially rattlesnakes, but they are actually very interesting animals. But once you get over “they can kill you” thing, I think most people will appreciate the role that rattlesnakes play in their environment. Well, at least to some extent. These cold-blooded killers are not really the aggressive, come-and-get-you reptiles that people make them out to be. Continue reading Photos of Rattlesnakes Mating!

Moose Excited Over Buffalo Statue!

Wild animals, like people, will always have the urge to do what comes naturally—and it all depends on how the mood strikes! Luckily for wildlife biologist, wild animals usually have no trouble keeping the population growing if suitable habitat is available for the species. Every wildlife species has a defined breeding period, and during this time animals act much different than they do during the remainder of the year. 

Apparently the breeding season was in high gear and the desire to mate was striking this moose right between the, uh, eyes, because this moose definitely had eyes for this buffalo. Well, not exactly a buffalo, but more like a buffalo statue! Some pervertedly lucky photographer was able to capture this young, bull moose mounting an unreceptive buffalo statue! Like every young male, he was just ready to jump on anything that would sit still!

Deer Hunting is Big Money in Texas

How big is the economic impact of whitetail deer hunting in Texas?

More than 1.1 million hunters take aim at Texas wild game species in each. Ninety percent  fo those hunters are state residents. So while hunting is more popular among rural Texans, more than 600,000 hunters trade urban sprawl for the great outdoors on an annual basis. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that hunting is worth $2.2 billion annually to the Texas economy, so it looks like hunting is big business.

On average, each hunter spends $1,984 to hunt over an average of 13 days each year. And white-tailed deer are the most popular target, and an increasing target for folks interested in wildlife management. From big spenders who pay thousands for a guided trophy buck hunt to weekend hunters looking for a fat whitetail doe for the freezer, two-thirds of hunters in Texas head out in search of white-tailed deer. Continue reading Deer Hunting is Big Money in Texas

Cedar Control and Management

Wildlife Management: Cedar with berries

There will be a short-course on Cedar Biology and Management on Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Cibolo Nature Center near Boerne, Texas. There will be habitat and wildlife management presentation from local ranch owner Darwin Ressel, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist Rufus Stephens, and Hoyt Seidensticker with the KC Conservation District.

This habitat-based workshop presents methods, equipment and choices for cedar clearing recommended by the Forest Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Cooperative Extension Service. On a ranch in western Comal County, they have cleared 3 demonstration areas for range improvement, forest ecology and wildlife conservation. Attendees will get to see cedar management in action and choose the best combination of methods for their land. Those attending the cedar management workshop should wear sturdy shoes because walking will be on uneven ground, but not strenuous.

The cost to Cibolo Nature Center members is $20 per person; non-members $25/person. Pre-registration is required so please call 830-249-4616. The class is limited to 30 people.

Choke Canyon Yields Big Largemouth Bass

Choke Canyon became the latest Texas reservoir to yield a big largemouth bass for the Toyota ShareLunker program. Not only has the ShareLunker program helped Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) with fish and lake management throughout the state, it’s allowed lucky anglers to put their catch on display. On February 6, Richard Flores of Seguin caught Toyota ShareLunker 478, a 15.09-pound largemouth bass while flipping a 10-inch plastic worm in 12 feet of 57-degree water.

Of the seven fish entered into the Toyota ShareLunker program so far in 2010, three have weighed 14 pounds or more and one more bass larger than 15 pounds. Anyone legally catching a 13-pound or bigger largemouth bass from Texas waters, public or private, from October 1 through April 30 may submit the fish to the Toyota ShareLunker program by calling program manager David Campbell at (903) 681-0550 or paging him at (888) 784-0600. Continue reading Choke Canyon Yields Big Largemouth Bass

Whitetail Deer Bedding Cover

Every hunter wants to shoot a big buck, but does every hunter want to provide quality habitat for their deer? The answer is no, and there is nothing wrong with that as long as those landowners realize that the choices they make impact the end product. When it comes to providing good habitat for whitetail, quality bedding cover is one of the most important things a landowner can provide, especially on smaller properties. So why is whitetail deer beddding cover so important?

Think about this just for a second: Where does a mature whitetail buck spend the greatest amount of time during the day? You may not have a good answer for me and that’s because you rarely see such an animal in the middle of the day. That’s because mature bucks are not standing in open fields throughout the middle of the hunting season, and they sure aren’t camped out in the middle of a food plot. Continue reading Whitetail Deer Bedding Cover