Wildlife Management for Lunch Webinar Series

Every landowner interested in learning more about wildlife and habitat management should take advantage of these free classes. The Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Texas Wildlife Association are co?sponsoring lunch-based “Wildlife for Lunch” webinars every third Thursday of every month throughout 2011. It’s a fast and easy way to learn more about wildlife management and habitat management from anywhere. Wildlife for Lunch webinars provide sound, science-based wildlife management options delivered by experts to you in the comfort of your own home or office.

These webinars are an interactive way for you to participate while learning about the natural resources, whether it be waterfowl management or pond management! Each web-­?based seminar is fully interactive and allows you to engage the experts, make comments, and ask questions during the course of the presentation. ForestryWebinars.net is made possible through partnership with Texas AgriLife Extension Service, North Carolina State University Extension Forestry, and Southern Regional Extension Forestry Office. Continue reading Wildlife Management for Lunch Webinar Series

World Record Elk from Idaho!

Many hunters head to the mountains of the western states in late summer and early fall of each year looking for a giant bull elk. Hunting elk is challenging because of the terrain in which these animals inhabit. Although many hunters end their hunt empty handed, other elk hunters take home a nice bull or even a cow and some very good eating. However, the hunter in these photos got more than just a nice bull, he shot what looks to be the new World Record Elk!

The big elk was shot in Idaho and after looking at these photos I must say this animal is very, very impressive. I myself have never been elk hunting, but have been wanting to get up into Colorado or Wyoming sometime soon. Looks like Idaho is a pretty good option, too! Here is what I got in an email: Continue reading World Record Elk from Idaho!

Habitat Management on Crop Lands

Wintering waterfowl such as ducks and geese go hand-in-hand with agricultural fields. Crop fields such as corn, milo, and soybeans provide great wildlife habitat for waterfowl and landowners should implement habitat management to not only provide areas for winter-stressed birds to go, but also provide recreational activities and possibly even another form of income. Many wildlife professionals know that winter flooding of ag fields is beneficial for migrating wildlife, but the impacts to the farmer were unknown. That is why a four year research project was developed to study the impacts of ag field habitat management on crops. Here is what the study found:

Winter flooding did not affect crop production in the seasons following flooding even though the fields provided great duck habitat during the winter. Crop yields did not differ among flooded and nonflooded fields. In fact, yields from flooded fields were slightly greater than county-wide averages in the years during the study. Could this be because of natural fertilizers ducks and geese deposited while on site? Continue reading Habitat Management on Crop Lands

Texas Master Naturalist Training Classes

The Texas Master Naturalist program currently has 42 chapters located across the state and aims to develop a corps of well-informed citizen volunteers who educate local communities about the wildlife management and the importance of our natural resources. Nineteen chapters of the Texas Master Naturalist program are conducting 2011 spring training classes for volunteers wanting to learn about natural resource, conservation and habitat management.

The main qualification needed to become a Certified Texas Master Naturalist is an interest in learning and playing an active part in habitat conservation and education. Volunteers will receive a minimum of 40 hours training from educators and specialists from places such as universities, natural resource agencies, nature centers and museums. Training topics include interpretation and management of natural resources, ecological concepts, eco-regions in Texas and natural systems management. If you appreciate the outdoors, wildlife, and native plants then you will enjoy these classes! Continue reading Texas Master Naturalist Training Classes

Wildlife Management on Farmlands

All wildlife species need food, cover water, and some amount of space to survive. Wildlife — or lack thereof — found on farms are no different. To manage any property for wildlife a landowner must provide what wildlife species need. Many farms do attract wildlife, but may not think much about wildlife management. If food is present then animals will frequent farms, but farm owners can not expect their neighbors to provide the rest IF farm owners are interested in wildlife.

The recreational value of rural land in is high, and in some cases higher than the yearly agricultural revenue on a per acre basis. This is especially true with hunting, where hunters are limited by the short-supply of lands available to hunt. The majority of the human population lives in urban areas, but many people look to pursue wildlife (deer hunting, hog hunting, dove hunting, etc.) on in rural areas, where animals are found. Continue reading Wildlife Management on Farmlands

Prairie Habitat Management: Prescribed Fire

Habitat management is the key to successful wildlife management. No wild animal can survive in the absence of its much-needed habitat. One tallgrass prairie study found that burning was much better for grasslands than simply long-term shredding. It had been reported in the past that shredding could maintain a native prairie, but fire seems to be even better and that there are important implications for prairie management and restoration.

The project involved using historical data, but that information reflected a degraded system brought on by decades of mowing. Mowing actually decreased species diversity. However, this latest research found that prescribed fires reversed this degradation and returned native grass. These findings are particularly relevant for habitat management as mowing is increasingly promoted as a fire substitute for prairie management. Continue reading Prairie Habitat Management: Prescribed Fire

Rainwater Harvesting Course Scheduled in Texas

Water is important to every form of life, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of Texas. Animals have to depend on Mother Nature and wildlife habitat or livestock water supplies, but homeowners and landowners can use rainwater collection systems to make the most of the liquid from the sky. And if you would like to learn how, the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and San Antonio Botanical Garden will sponsor a Rain Barrel Workshop from 9 am to 12 noon on November 6, 2010.

The rainwater collection workshop will be held at the botanical garden, 555 Funston in San Antonio. Bryan Davis, Texas AgriLife Extension agent for agriculture and natural resources in Bexar County, stated:

“Rainwater harvesting is a tried-and-true way to capture free water from rainfall. You can save money by collecting and storing rainwater and using it to irrigate your trees, shrubs and flower beds, even provide water to pets or wildlife.”

Continue reading Rainwater Harvesting Course Scheduled in Texas