Tax Reduction for Water Conservation

As the temperature rises and the soil gets drier, water conservation is front and center. In fact, the Texas House approved a plan would offer land owners across the state property tax reductions for habitat management related to water conservation. The plan offers property tax reductions for landowners who set aside open-space habitat for water conversation. And the plan is quite progressive with more-productive conservation efforts receiving greater tax breaks.

Supporters of the water management initiative said the tax reductions would encourage groundwater conservation without forcing Texas government to hand out even more money. It is estimated that 90 percent of Texas water flows either through or under privately owned land, so it will take private landowners to get the job done. One of the best ways to get people involved is conservation initiatives is to make if monetarily worth their while. Continue reading Tax Reduction for Water Conservation

Mountain Lion in El Paso

Interesting wildlife news this week includes a male mountain lion weighing 102 pounds was shot and killed in El Paso, Texas. The lion was spotted around the city and then entering the parking garage of a state office building at 401 E. Franklin, where Texas State Game Wardens have their offices, along with several other government agencies. Officials shot the mountain lion with a tranquilizer dart, but it jumped from the second floor of the garage back onto the street before the drugs took effect.

Mountain Lion in El Paso

The mountain lion passed through a school yard and then ran to a car wash where officers evacuated several customers and lowered the business’s security gate to trap the mountain lion. The lion was darted a second time, but immediately began to run again. The mountain lion took off and hit a fence, and was about to escape the perimeter fence, so officers shot and killed the mountain lion. Continue reading Mountain Lion in El Paso

Do Armadillos Carry Leprosy?

Armadillos are a different animal and a really odd mammal. For most people, armadillos pose no major problem. However, sometimes they can be a major nuisance in suburban and agricultural areas when they dig up the place looking for grubs and insects. Though many people want to know how to rid themselves of these troublesome armadillos just to save their yards or gardens, many are still asking the question, “Do armadillos carry leprosy?” Research has found that, yes, humans can very rarely get leoprosy from touching armadillos, but it’s not the only way.

Source: “Only about 150 leprosy cases occur each year in the U.S., mostly among travelers to places like India, Brazil and Angola where it’s more common. The risk of getting leprosy from an armadillo is low because most people who get exposed don’t get sick with the ancient scourge, known medically as Hansen’s disease and now easily treatable. Armadillos are one of the very few mammals that harbor the bacteria that cause the sometimes disfiguring disease, which first shows up as an unusual lumpy skin lesion. Continue reading Do Armadillos Carry Leprosy?

Go Native for Quail, Here’s Why

Bobwhite quail are important game bird both economically and socially. However, quail populations have declined over time because of changing habitat. As a result, persons interested in bobwhite have turned to quail habitat management practices to restore and enhance suitable areas. Exotic grasses are not the best grasses for quail. In fact, these pose a serious problem for quail and quail habitat. The three most common exotic grasses are Bermuda, bahia and fescue.

These non-native grasses were introduced for soil erosion control on many properties, but also for hay production and forage crops for livestock. While these exotic grasses work well for these purposes, they provide poor conditions for bobwhite quail and also are very invasive, often outcompeting desirable, native grasses. In addition, these introduced grasses are also planted to mononcultures, further decreasing any available quail habitat. Continue reading Go Native for Quail, Here’s Why

Quail Habitat Management: Covey Headquarters

Habitat management really is THE key to quail management. Rainfall determines the yearly fluctuations in habitat conditions and ultimately quail numbers, but a quail population will always suffer if the necessary component’s of their habitat is missing. One aspect of bobwhite quail habitat that is often overlooked are covey headquarters. Covey headquarters are clumps of dense shrubby or woody cover with a canopy at least three feet high and little vegetation at ground level.

Bobwhite quail need and use this type of patchy escape cover on a daily basis. They use headquarters to avoid hot summer sun and seek protection from predators and harsh weather. Without this habitat component, few quail will be present on a property. This habitat component should be placed next to early-successional vegetation such as managed wildlife friendly grasses and legumes and tilled soil in order to be most effective. Continue reading Quail Habitat Management: Covey Headquarters

Bias Associated With Game Cameras for Deer Surveys

Wildlife management, especially towards white-tailed deer, is becoming increasingly important to private landowners. One of the biggest management issues landowners face is calculating reliable deer population estimates using traditional survey methods. One technique that has become recently popular is using game cameras to survey deer and estimate population sizes. Because of its ease of use and cost efficiency, remote photography seems to be increasing in its popularity as a tool for landowners and wildlife biologists, but does this remote survey technique work?

Game camera surveys have been used to estimate population parameters among a variety of wildlife species, including white-tailed deer. These parameters include buck to doe ratio, fawn recruitment estimates, and age-related information. However, this deer survey technique involves placing bait in front of the camera in order to capture animals more frequently, which could introduce biases in parameter estimates. From September 2008 to March 2009, researchers at Auburn University monitored cameras placed at random, along game trails, and at feed stations to determine if sex and age structure could be accurately assessed in a population of white-tailed deer. Continue reading Bias Associated With Game Cameras for Deer Surveys

Habitat Management: Range Management University

Real estate is an expensive investment and more and more landowners are buying rural property and ranches for recreational purposes. In fact, real estate agents focus more than ever on wildlife and habitat values on the Texas land they sale. Landowners want and love wildlife, many getting actively involved with wildlife and habitat management. There are many ways someone can learn to improve their land.

Ranch Management University, a four-day program targeting novice landowners, is scheduled April 12-15 at Texas A&M University in College Station. “This unique new landowner workshop is designed to help new landowners improve their understanding regarding management of the various wildlife and plant communities they find on their ranch properties,” said Dr. Larry Redmon, workshop coordinator and Texas AgriLife Extension Service state forage specialist. Continue reading Habitat Management: Range Management University