Many landowners have surface water and are interested in pond management on their property. The principles of managing ponds and lakes are the same whether you have a pond in Texas, Ohio or Mississippi. When it comes to manipulating the pond found on your property it is just a matter of learning the processes that effect other aspects of your water body, which can be for fish or waterfowl management.
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) Fisheries Bureau and the Mississippi State University Extension Service are hosting a pond management workshop in Claiborne County. The workshop will be held at the Claiborne County Extension Office located at 510 Main Street in Port Gibson on Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m.
An hour-long presentation will include topics on pond design, fish stocking, harvest, vegetation control, liming, and fertilization. A question-and-answer period will follow. Those interested in attending the workshop are asked to register by calling the Claiborne County Extension office at (601) 437-5011.
“This workshop will allow biologists and private pond owners the opportunity to discuss management options to improve fish populations and habitat,” says Jerry Brown, MDWFP fisheries biologist. “We talk to people each year that want to manage their ponds effectively and this is a great way for us to provide personal how-to information that can help pond owners achieve their goals.” Learning techniques that influence water parameters and fish populations is the key to sound pond management for private landowners. Interested persons need to contact the number above since this sounds like a great program.