The overabundance of unwanted or undesirable brush is one of the biggest factors plagues Texas landscapes. Brush uses water, decreases grass cover and can be costly to maintain. It is, however, good for wildlife for both food and cover, but it still is only valuable in moderation. Too much of anything always becomes a problem. Property owners and habitat managers have a chance right now to enroll in the latest webinar discussing the management of brush.
Brush Management: Unintended Consequences & Habitat Management
Class Description: Since the inception of removing unwanted vegetation from rangeland there have been unplanned responses, both positive and negative. These unintended consequences have accompanied the evolution of vegetation manipulation through the eras of eradication, control, and management. Applications, as well as methodology, has had it’s surprises. The manager needs to learn from history, understand the ramifications of his actions, and to properly plan management systems.
Presenter: Dr. Wayne Hanselka
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CSTCredit: 1 TDA Pesticide CEU – Integrated Pest Management
Interested landowners and property managers can register for the brush management class here. It should be a chance to get some great information about range and wildlife and habitat manipulation.