The key to healthy plant communities for both domestic animals as well as wildlife is all about grazing management. This is a habitat management technique that not only protects a landowner’s biggest asset, the plant communities found on his or her land, but keeps cattle well-fed and wildlife populations abundant. Grazing management is one of many tools a landowner has at his or her disposal, so it’s something to consider if you run livestock on your land. If you want to ensure your grazing stays good or improves into the future, check out this course.
Grazing Management Course
This webinar will focus on managing livestock to be productive on grass with minimal inputs. How grass grows will be explained in simple terms to explain how grass growth can be optimized on every acre. The principles of range management will be presented to help grass managers develop their grazing plan in any location under any weather pattern. Managers will learn how to be the last ranch in the drought and the first ranch out of the drought. Finally, the nuts and bolts of “planned grazing” will be discussed. Learn how simple, economical opportunities can be found to manage grazing on every property that can lead to healthy land and a healthy business.
Grazing Management Class Details:
Presenter: Jason Hohlt
Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST
Credit: 1 TDA Pesticide CEU – General
More on Grazing Grasslands
It’s easy for someone to put a fence around some land, throw in some cows and call it a good idea, but improper grazing is one of the worst things someone can do on their property. The very worse would be for someone to offer a grazing lease that allows someone else to do it. In almost every case, the land gets severely overgrazed and the plant communities begin to deteriorate. You can identify such pastures quite easily because they are devoid of grass, covered in nothing but unpalatable weeds. Proper grazing with livestock is one of the many habitat management techniques that can keep the plants and animals on your land healthy in to the future.